Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Greg may yet have to have  a name change.
A few days ago I left him shut in the downstairs loo/cloakroom, where he usually stays at night – that is until his inoculations have been completed and he has had his little snip, since we don’t want to be involved in any paternity suits. For the moment, therefore he should be an indoor kitten. On this occasion he did not have free run of the house while I was out during the day, because there has been a decorator sanding down the outside window frames.
When I arrived home the door to the cloakroom was shut: but when I opened it the kitten was not there. I opened the back door and called and he soon came in. I assumed the decorator had let him out.
The next morning I spoke to the decorator… no, he hadn’t been in the cloakroom, hadn’t seen the kitten and certainly hadn’t let him out.
That evening I saw him (the kitten, not the decorator) attempting an escape from the bathroom window. I caught him as he heaved himself up the window pane to the little opening window at the top… I don’t like to think what would have happened if he had achieved this feat as it is a long drop from there!
Anyhoo, we left him shut in again, overnight in the cloakroom, with the little top window just a little open, to allow free gaseous exchange. (As anyone who has had a kitten will attest there’s a lot of smell for one small cat, whatever expensive litter is in use, and said litter does not ‘lock in odours’ what ever it says on the packet.)
It’s very pleasant in the cloakroom: lots of boots and shoes to explore, and laces to chew, a few toys to kill, a window sill full of interesting trinkets, kitten food and drink, a litter tray and one of those hanging cat cradles, suspended from the radiator with a snuggly blanket for comfort.
In the morning he had gone. The little window had swung shut… I presume he pushed himself through and knocked the strut which holds the window open. So he couldn’t have pushed his way back in, even if he had wanted to.
Who me?
So here is Gregory Houdini, all innocent and comfortable, but he won’t look me in the eye. Since that last outdoor foray his intestinal motility has increased drastically. Not sure what he ate, but there seems to be a lot of it.
PS. The real Houdini used a hidden trap door in his acts.
It was just a stage he was going through.

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