Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Toronto: City-ventures, Part 1

The next day unfolded, and like always — the early birds would get the worms.

 The earlier we were, the more places we can get to. Rise and shine, we did — rather groggily. Travellers need sleep, but they also need breakfast.
 Luckily the place we’re staying in, had those free breakfast things (you know, the one with the waffle makers and hot coffee). We feasted for an hour, before starting our day.
If Toronto is this busy, imagine New York…
There is a Starbucks in every corner, literally.
After some twists and turns in the busy city of Toronto, we finally found our destination. The only thing left is finding a parking space. If anything, downtown Toronto demands heavy pay for parking. Inconvenient money-wise, but at least the car has a comfy place to park into. I sympathise with cars. First stop is ROM, or the Royal Ontario Museum. The dinosaur exhibit just opened — perfect timing! However, I didn’t spend too much time looking around in that area. The museum had so much exhibits, and so much artifacts to see. However, there was this pretty awesome dinosaur skeleton on display by the entrance.
The display cases distributed around the halls, give you a taste of their vast collection.
They have a huge collection of aboriginal items. From hunting gear, to clothes, to accessories, and a ton of history! There’s so much to see, read and learn. If we had a longer time frame, I’d explore the whole place! Amongst other things, there were even animals! Old weapons, Imperial artifacts from Asian Cultures, crystals, and the notable Jorinde Voigt exhibit. She’s a German artist who “draws out” musical scores, and had one huge room in the ROM dedicated to her work on Beethoven’s musical scores.
A few of Jorinde Voigt’s pieces.

I enjoyed my time in the museum. There was so much to see, however, there was so little time. I have to cut the blog post short though — I wouldn’t want you guys to scroll endlessly through this one post (as if you guys didn’t do that already). There’s so much to talk about, that I have to once again — break them into parts.

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